We are thrilled to announce that Green Field Marketing’s incredible team of sales representatives for Boost Drinks has embarked on an exciting journey in the vibrant city of London for the very first time! London retailers, get ready to experience the energy and refreshing taste of Boost Drinks like never before!

Our enthusiastic sales reps are geared up to conquer every corner of this magnificent city so keep an eye out as they’ll be coming to your store soon! They’ll be the ones with big smiles, ready to brighten your day and Boost your profits with the exciting new range! So join us in welcoming our fantastic team of sales reps to the streets of London. Follow their journey and be part of the Boost buzz by staying tuned to our website where we’ll be sharing their adventures along with some exciting giveaways!

Lets see what our Operations Director and Jack Taylor from Boost Drinks had to say about this exciting new venture;

We believe that this new venture will not only bring a refreshing boost to Londoners’  but also open new doors within GB for Green Field Marketing. It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with a whole new audience and establish ourselves as true market leaders in the UK Field Marketing scene.  After the phenomenal success of our Boost sales team within N. Ireland, I have no doubt our new team with have an immediate impact on distribution, share of space and brand visibility within London.
– Martin Rice, Operations Director, Green Field Marketing Solutions


After the resounding success of Green Field Marketing Solution’s work for us in Northern Ireland, we’re delighted to be expanding the contract into London.  This is a key region for us and we’re looking forward to seeing our distribution grow
– Jack Taylor, Retail Development Manager, Boost Drinks

